suggests an interpretation to the canonical passage [16]:
Kim pan' -- AAnanda bkikkhu-sa.mgho mayi ..... with the varying inclinations of both men and gods." [20] But Wayman misunderstands Buddhaghosa ...
R. D. Gunaratne
the perception of worth and beauty to the mere transitions of sense experience." [16] Thus, the ...between the two is the "Idea" with its two sides. [20]
Grange, Joseph
converse because except concepts we have no other means to ascertain the actual state of affairs.[16] ...this relativity, in subsequent chapters.[20] He invariably comes to the conclusion that all these ...
R. C. Pandeya
really tangential to the Avatamsaka suutra.(16)
Furthermore, the realization ... Five senses the deluded senses or consciousness (shih)(20)
Whalen Lai
restrain their mind."(16)
How could this confusion be cleared up and those who ... discovered by Shwe Zan Oung."(20) As far as Chinese Buddhist tradition is concerned, the ...
Yun-hun Jan
arguments that Sanskrit causes an alleged "passive character" of the Indian mind. [16] Nevertheless he ...contends that it is ultimately illusory and escapes from it in a liberation equated with non-agency. [20...
Lawrence, David
identical -- they are not the type of things which can be related in these ways. Verses 25.19-20 ...around an entity gaining a new property or description. For instance, [16] when a man has a child, he...
Richard Hubert Jones
consisting of 'hard units', united in causal connections. [16] The certainty that such a view of things -- ...delusion), their being mere "bubbles that appear and vanish" [20] springs from the fact that all ...
Richard Hubert Jones
reality, and whereas the Buddhiststalk about nonbeing, the Confucians talk about being."(16) Healso ...reasonfor the rise and extinction of Heaven and Earth."(20) Hesaid,
The Buddhists have ...
Edward T. Chien
is the right gate to the teaching of Buddha."[16] "Meditation is the gate to Comfort and Happiness....Buddha."[19] He disliked the term "Zen sect."[20] He claimed to convey the right path of the Buddhist ...
Hajime Nakamura