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来源:不详   作者:高雅信
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  【英文标题】The Religious Discipline Organization Participation and Belief Process :Pu-hsin Temple of Fo-Gwang-Shan Individual Case Research






  【英文关键词】Belief Process ; Human Buddhism ; Participation to Religious Disciplines Organizat ; Organization Commitment ; Belief Behaviors


  本研究乃是信众宗教组织的参与对依变项信仰行为、组织承诺 (归属感、使命感、认同感)之关系作探讨。所采用的研究方法第一部份是以深度访谈的方式搜集资料,在质化研究过程中,特别提出十个问题,对十一位受访者进行深度访谈,经统整之后,进行比较分析,并整理为身心自我调适、佛法了解、利他行为等三个面向内容,作为信仰行为变化量表。第二部份是以问卷调查的方式,内容包括信仰行为变化十四题,组织承诺十四题,采Liker type五点量表记分方式,计分方式从“非常同意”、“同意”、“无意见”、“不同意”、“非常不同意”等五种不同程度的选项依序给予五至1分。分析信度达可信赖程度,并建立本问卷的内容效度和专家效度。


  综合问卷与访谈所得资料分析,得出几项结论:(一)参加普贤寺的活动,个人家庭支持度有很强的纽带关系。(二)参与宗教组织网络以经朋友占多数。没有介绍人而主动、有意愿认识普贤寺以为从佛光山发行的杂志、报纸、卡带CD知道最多。(三)信徒参与宗教组织基于宗教组织本身提供多元化的活动为最主要的原因,基于个人本身需求参与宗教组织为次要原因。(四)信徒参与普贤寺的各项活动,以宗教组织吸引层次占最多数,个人需求层次占少数。(五)参加普贤寺“社教学院”活动、普贤寺法会活动对参与动机包括个人因素、家人因素、佛法因素、普贤寺因素四种都没有显著差异。(六)参加普贤寺不同种类法会的信众对修行持戒程度、素食行为、作修持自课每项都有显著差异。参加普贤寺“社教学院”选择佛学类、才艺类不同种类的信众对修行持戒程度、素食行为变化有显著差异,惟作修持自课没有显著差异。(七)参加普贤寺法会的信众在信仰行为变化“整体层面”上有显著差异,选择“每周举办法会”的信众对组织承诺的程度最高,“每月举办法会”其次,“二月以上举办法会”最低。参加普贤寺“社教学院”选择佛学类、才艺类不同种类的信众在组织承诺“整体层面”上没有显著差异。(八)信徒个人背景变项中有四项(性别、年龄、教育程度、职业) 对组织承诺均未达显著差异;有一项“以前曾经的信仰”对现组织承诺的看法达显著差异。(九)参与普贤寺愈多年、参加过活动次数愈多、参加过法会次数愈多、担任义工次数愈多、担任过佛光会职务次数愈多则对修行实践行为包括持戒程度行为、修持自课愈会增加。(十)参与普贤寺愈多年、参加过活动次数愈多、参加过法会次数愈多、担任义工次数愈多、担任过佛光会职务次数愈多则对信仰行为、组织承诺变化愈会增加。




  This article endeavored to begin with the angle of culture, society alteration, and “human Buddhism” string, combined with the qualitative and quantitative multiple data, to research the religious disciplines organization contact and participation, also its derived behaviors change and acknowledgement to the organization. The power comes from the disciplines reasonable ego-selection, to the religious organization interior operation, or the both powers interacted process, and to analyze the process major affected factors.


  This research depends on the participation to the religious disciplines organization and belief behaviors, organization commitment (sense of belonging, sense of mission, and sense of identification) relationships.

  The adopted research methods:

  2.1.1The first part is a profound interviews to collect the interviewers data, in the quality trending research process, specially mentioned 10 problems to 11 interviewers transacting the deep questionnaires, integrated and analyze, and to make the alteration quantities table of believe behaviors cleared for the physical/mental ego-adjustment, Buddhism understanding and altruistic three contents.

  2.1.2The second part depends on the questionnaires method, the contents consist of believe behaviors alteration in 14 problems, organization consent 14 problems, adopting Liker type 5 points quantities mark method, “very agreed”, “agreed”, “no comment”, “not agreed” and “very not agreed” to give the mark 5 to 1. The analyzing degree reached the reliableness, and built this questinnaires contents and specialist validity.


  2.2.1 To analyze the organization participation situation, including:

  (1)How many years to join the Pu-hsien Temple seminars.

  (2)Ever joined the Pu-hsien Temple Buddhist regious ritual.

  (3)To join the Pu-hsien Temple “Community academy” activities.

  (4)To instate the Pu-hsien Temple volunteers work.

  (5)Times of instating the Fo Gwang subordinated branch works.

  2.2.2 To analyze the belief behaviors alteration situation., including:

  (1)Whether formally devoted as a Buddhist.

  (2)The degrees of purification.

  (3)To practice the ascetic including the ascetical degree and self education.

  2.2.3 The belief behaviors alteration after studying the Buddhism.

  2.2.4 Commitment to the organization. (Sense of belonging, sense of mission and sense of affirmation).


  3.1.1 To generalize the questionnaires and interview data for analyzing, there are some conclusions:

  (1)To join the Pu-hsien Temple activities, the personal family supporting degrees had the strong torsion relationship.

  (2)To join the religious organization network were mostly through the introduction of friends. No introduction and automatically and willing to join the Pu-hsien Temple were learnt from the Fo-Gwang-Shan published magazines, newspaper, tapes and CD.

  (3)The disciplines joined the religious organization were based on the organization it-self offered the multiple activities, and the personal demands to join the religion organization were the second.

  (4)The disciplines joined the Pu-hsien Temple various activities were more the religious organization attraction layers, and less the personal demands layers.

  (5)To joined the Pu-hsien Temple “Community academy” activities and Pu-hsien Temple religious rituals activities, the participation

  motives including the personal, family, Buddhism and Pu-hsien Temple four factors were no different.

  (6)The disciples ascetic degrees, fasting behaviors and ascetic self educations were different to join the Pu-hsien Temple different religious rituals. The disciples ascetic degrees, fasting behaviors alteration were obviously different to join the Pu-hsine Temple “Community Academy” selecting Buddhism, arts, but self education no difference.

  (7)The disciples to join the Pu-hsien Temple religious rituals got obvious difference in the belief behaviors alteration “integrate layers”, to select the “weekly religious rituals” commitment to the organization were the highest, “monthly religious rituals” the second and the “bimonthly religious rituals” were the lowest. The various disciples to join the Pu-hsien Temple “Community academy” selecting Buddhism, arts were no obvious difference in the “integrate layers” organization commitment.

  (8)The disciples had four background factors (sex, age, education and vocations) not showed the difference from the organizations commitment , but “ever believed” had the obvious difference from the organization commitment.

  (9)The more years to join the Pu-hsien Temple, the more to joined the Pu-hsien Temple activities, the more to joined the religious ritual, the more to instate the volunteers, more to instate the Fo-Gwang subordinate branch works, it increased more for ascetical practice behaviors including the ascetical degree behaviors, and self-education.

  (10)The more years to join the Pu-hsien Tmeple, the more to join the activities, the more to join the religious rituals, the more to instate the volunteers, the more to instate the Fo-Gwang subordinate works, it increased in the believe behaviors, organization commitment alteration.


  To conclude the above-mentioned results, the Pu-hsien Tgemple offered many kinds of study process, as the religious group interior socialization, no doubt is very successful. So that it is known that the Pu-hsien Temple of Fo-Gwong-Shan

  can attract so many people to join, the raising members and organization management, is also successful. Compare it to recent Taiwan religious vitally development, it expressed the certain traceable veining.



  第一章绪论 1


  第二节 问题陈述3

  第三节 重要名词解释4

  第四节 研究命题7

  第二章 宗教信仰与变迁佛光山的宗教发展 9

  第一节 台湾地区的宗教信仰与变迁 9

  第二节 台湾地区的佛教信仰与变迁 11

  第三节 人间佛教的应用 13

  第四节 影响佛光山发展的社会环境因素 16

  第五节 佛光山的宗教发展19

  第六节 普贤寺与佛光山的关系 35

  第七节 宗教组织之参与与信仰过程之相关理论研究 38

  第三章 研究方法与实施59


  第二节研究架构图示 65

  第三节研究假设 66



  第六节研究工具 75

  第四章 研究结果之分析与讨论87


  第二节信徒学佛经验、修行概况表 92

  第三节信仰行为的改变 110


  第五节各项信仰行为多元逐步回归分析 125

  第六节组织承诺之相关分析 130

  第七节 个人需求及组织吸引层次分析 138

  第五章 主要发现、结论与建议149

  第一节主要发现 149

  第二节研究结论 155

  第三节研究限制 161

  第四节 建议 162

  第四节 建议 162

  参考书目 164


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