comprehensive of all perfection; [26] (e) as the Great Form [xai] or the receptacular Matrix, wherein...the Tao gives rise to the Being of all forms in the world, [30] whereas, regressively, the immanent ...
Thome H. Fang
interpreted as "essence" (t'i(f)):(26)
i. The essence of the cause of Buddhahood is ...end the false [aspect]. they are referred to as "auxiliary causes."(30)
Ming-Wood Liu
by later followers." [26] Thiswas a common practice in China, where the stature of a past master ...likely that they raised aprivate army than that they used any special boxing skills. [30] Vastestates ...
Charles Holcombe
indebted to him.(n26) Allthree also have been practitioners of Zen,(n27) and in their thought ...includedwithout losing our particularity in the dynamic structure of this positiveNothingness.(n30)
Gregory K. Ornatowski
subject in which something 'other,' is completely Oneself." [26] Whereas Heidegger proposes an ...the logician to think It is One.' But the master would go on saying, 'Not One either!'" [30] This non...
John Steffney
Westvol. 30, no.4(October, 1980)P495-504
---------------------------------------------------------------...example" (that is, explanation).(26)
Tsung-mi's criticism of the Confucian ...
Yun-hua Jan
considers this verse as an instance where the catu.sko.ti is used as a pedagogical device.[26] Staal...form alone, for instance, are:
"Some persons are tormentors of themselves," and so on, [30] and"...
R. D. Gunaratne
understanding". [26] And perhaps, indeed,some such pre-conceptual self-understanding is precisely what Husserl...self-referential `mental term' [29] which, as it were,displays itself to itself. [30] It is, more ...
Steven W. Laycock
Tranquillity in disturbance means perfection. [26]
Here "tranquillity in disturbance" (or "Peace-in-Strife" [...ts'an, states twice that the awakened mind transcends the duality of rest and nonrest, [30] echoing ...
David Loy
Moller's book.(26) The significance of the number of burns was explained to de Groot as ...pressed on his temples in order to lessen the pain.(30) If we imagine this procedure ...
James A. Benn